Web Summit 101: A Simple Guide for First-Timers at Large Events

Attending Web Summit for the first time can be overwhelming, but preparation is key. Faris offers tips on navigating large tech events, from planning your schedule to maximizing networking. Learn how to make the most of your experience and achieve your event goals.

Web Summit 101: A Simple Guide for First-Timers at Large Events

Ah, November in Lisbon, Portugal — what an exciting time!

Now, I’m not just talking about those amazing sunsets, the delicious food, or the stunning buildings and hidden gems scattered around the city.

No, I’m here for something special: the Web Summit.

This massive tech conference is one of the biggest in the world.

It’s a place where you get to learn so much and meet all these amazing people from everywhere, all passionate about technology just like us.

Large-scale events can seem scary. But you can do it.

While this year’s attendance wasn’t my first, it was, once again, an amazing experience.

When you attend a conference alongside 70,000+ people, your perspective changes.

Definitely, at one point I felt overwhelmed.

As I took in the surroundings, I considered the newcomers to this impressive conference and the questions likely swirling in their minds:

  • Which sessions should be my top priority?
  • How can I maximize networking opportunities?
  • What can I expect at the side events?
  • How can I efficiently balance my meeting schedule?
  • What strategies can I use for effective spontaneous networking?

After pondering these questions, I decided to share a few words about my experience at the Web Summit in Lisbon and offer tips to help others feel more confident at similar events.

No one should leave such events with negative feelings about their participation or a sense of unproductivity. With some preparation, events like the Web Summit can unfold numerous opportunities.

I hope this article will guide you the next time you attend a large event, as it reflects what I wish I had known before going to my first major gathering.

Understanding the Atmosphere

Many Web Summit attendees are first-timers, and it’s crucial to acknowledge this. Beginners might feel overwhelmed in the fast-paced atmosphere and face common challenges of large events, making navigation seem daunting. With 70,000 participants, the event’s sheer size might lead some to dismiss it prematurely as not worthwhile.

However, I challenge that perspective. Events such as the Web Summit offer a phenomenal platform for learning and networking with influential folks from all over the world.

Still, first things first: your journey at Web Summits starts with your phone.

The Event App: A Crucial Tool

To maximize your benefit from the event, keep a few things in mind. First, make sure to download the event app, but be cautious about its potential drawbacks. While it provides maps, attendee lists, and other details, filtering people or presentations for specific niche topics of interest might be challenging.

Also, carefully consider how much you’ll rely on the app for networking because it is not primarily designed to facilitate engagement beyond the chat feature.

Consider in such an environment: how likely is it that those you message will respond?

Drawing from my personal experience: use the app for navigation, but avoid relying solely on it for engaging with people.

Presentations: Quality Over Quantity

With numerous presentations occurring at the same time, it’s challenging to keep up with all of them. The venue is filled with ongoing presentations requiring constant movement.

In my view, the source matters more than the topic. A captivating title doesn’t guarantee the presenter’s relevance to the subject. I prefer finding relevant people and attending their presentations, regardless of the topic. Feel free to skip some sessions, as content is often repeated.

Consider your participation in the Web Summit as an investment. Approach it with curiosity and passion, asking questions and challenging ideas. Stay open to your peers’ ideas, as there are valuable learning opportunities. Strive to gain something from each presentation session, as this investment will yield dividends over time.

Friendly tip: Web Summit is packed with sessions, events, keynotes, and workshops. Prioritize the ones you can’t miss and plan your schedule accordingly.

And remember: no matter how hard you try, you’ll not be able to attend everything and be everywhere.

Conferences like the Web Summit have numerous events and activities. Select your attendance wisely.

Scheduling Meetings: A Delicate Balance

My next piece of advice is to schedule meetings in advance if possible.

This is the pre-event preparation phase I mentioned earlier. Keep in mind that first-time attendees may be eager to attend presentations and explore the venue, but meeting with the right people is crucial.

The people you meet at Web Summit could be your future partners, mentors, or investors.

You’ll only have one chance to make a fine first impression.

Friendly tip: At events like Web Summit, excellent opportunities often arise unexpectedly! Don’t hesitate to talk to unfamiliar faces and explore beyond your usual interests. You might uncover something surprising.

The Importance of Side Events and Networking

A key lesson from my experiences at Web Summit is the value of side events. They’re smaller, and more intimate, and people tend to prioritize building meaningful relationships. Also, make sure to have fun in the evenings. Many see Web Summit as a tech event that doubles as a big party, and there’s some truth to that.

The most valuable connections often happen when people are at ease.

Trust me on this one: feel free to miss a scheduled session for a lively discussion or a significant announcement happening elsewhere. Stay flexible, trust your instincts, and take advantage of chances to talk whenever they come up. Whether it’s a coffee break or waiting for a keynote speech, these unplanned interactions can lead to valuable new contacts.

Web Summit offers unique opportunities to network with individuals you might not have met elsewhere, such as an entrepreneur from Brazil, an investor from Costa Rica, or a remarkable founder from Japan.

Friendly tip: Don’t just focus on sales at Web Summit. Meet people, have engaging questions ready, and show genuine interest in their stories.

Remember Dale Carnegie’s advice: to be interesting, be interested.
Seeing friends and meeting new people is one of the biggest benefits of events such as the Web Summit

Planning for Specific Goals

If you have a goal for attending the Web Summit, make sure to plan accordingly.

For instance, if your goal is to generate leads or secure funding, take the time to prepare your pitch and craft effective conversation starters.

Also, decide where to focus your time to connect with the right people.

Your goal should determine your tactics.

Copying what everyone else is doing won’t lead to exceptional results.

Friendly tip: Bring plenty of business cards and prepare a concise elevator pitch about yourself and your business/interests. Nobody will dedicate an hour to intros, as time is a precious asset at the Web Summit — use it wisely.

+ Remember these small (but powerful) tips

  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: Don’t underestimate this one. I learned this the hard way. You’ll be on your feet a lot, moving between different stages and stands. Comfortable footwear is essential. Whatever will allow you to stand for hours should be your pick.
  • Stay Hydrated and Snack Wisely: Make this one a priority. Always keep on hand a refillable water bottle and some nutritious treats to maintain steady energy throughout the day.
  • Avoid Unexpected Phone Turn-offs: You don’t want your phone to surprise you. With heavy phone usage, your phone’s battery will be draining quickly. Carry a portable charger and never be caught unprepared.
  • Timely Follow-Ups: After meeting someone new, exchange contact info and send a follow-up email or LinkedIn request the same day to keep the connection fresh. It only takes a couple of minutes, but the first impression will last long. Do yourself a favor and be proactive.
  • Be a Tourist (at least a little bit): Explore Lisbon’s rich cultural heritage, delicious cuisine, and captivating sights during your leisure time. Balancing conference responsibilities with exploring the city may be challenging, but it’s worth making time to experience its charm. While the Web Summit is your main focus, don’t overlook the essence of this fascinating city, as exploring it can offer refreshing breaks and inspire new perspectives.

My personal favorite spots:

Final Thoughts: Harnessing Large-Events Experience

Stepping into the vibrant world of events such as the Web Summit, it’s crucial to remember that balance is key. If you’ve reached this point, one thing is clear:

There is a lot to think about.

While the conference offers an ocean of opportunities, your success will rely on your ability to prepare and engage purposefully. Simultaneously, stay open to spontaneous connections and seize opportunities on the spot.

You know why you’re attending.

You’re there for a reason.

Keep an open mind and stay curious — a seasoned conference-goer knows it’s the unplanned conversations and unexpected learning opportunities that often create remarkable insights.

Most importantly, enjoy the process. Embrace the grandness of everything, the dynamics, as well as the rollercoaster of ideas and conversations.

After all, the true essence of large-scale events lies in the vast opportunities right in front of you.

Hope to see you next year in Lisbon!

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